More whiskey plates and accident update

My insurance gave me a settlement offer. His insurance also gave me a settlement offer. Guess who’s settlement offer was better. Yup, not his. I guess RISK insurance companies don’t really want to pay out their money even if the insured is paying a hefty premium for their services. Suffice it to say I took the settlement offer from MY insurance carrier. Now they have the joy of going after his insurance for reimbursement. At least I don’t have the headache of doing that!

My back still hurts. I’m still seeing a physical therapist for that. Luckily my hubby didn’t have any issues with his back or anything. I must admit…we were darn lucky. We could have been going much faster, my car could have had different tires on it so that it didn’t have such good traction on the road, I could have had less time to react, he could have been going faster, he could have hit us FULL head on.

I’m still seeing whiskey plates everywhere I go. I can’t always take pictures of them 😦 Sometimes it is just me in the car and I can’t risk trying to take a picture and drive at the same time. However, my hubby has been able to snap a few shots of whiskey plates as we’ve been out and about.

This poor gal, not only is her car (with 2 little munchkins sitting in the back seat in car seats) sporting whiskey plates, she was parked in a no parking zone clearly marked with yellow paint on the curb!





~ by whiskeyplate on January 25, 2009.

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