Whiskey plates, what are they?

Whiskey plates are special issue license plates.  They can be found on automobiles and motorcycles.  They signify that either the owner or the vehicle was involved during an alcohol related driving incident.  The standard license plates are confiscated and special plates are issued.  The plates start with W followed by one more  letter and four numbers (ex. WN1334).  The plates are valid for one year.  The plates are issued in the following circumstances:
  • A prior DWI/DUI in the past 10 years.
  • Driving with a BAC (blood alcohol content) greater than .20
  • A DWI/DUI with a child in the vehicle
The person convicted of DWI/DUI must reregister all vehicles owned (not just the vehicle involved in the incident).  Also, it is illegal for the individual involved to drive any other vehicle, borrowed or new, without the special plates.

~ by whiskeyplate on January 10, 2009.

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